Singing and your throat starts to hurt?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Singing and your throat starts to hurt?
Seventeen answers:
2007-05-11 10:07:54 UTC
It happens to me all the time. It's just that you are stressing your vocal chords the best thing for you to do is right before you sing drink tea and honey and keep cough drops on hand as well. Believe me it helps I sing all the time and I am even in a choir.
2007-05-14 08:40:59 UTC
for singers sometimes they have sore throat after singing too much i sing alot too and sometimes i lose my voice get a sore throat but i have my remedy i use when this happens and it works i used lime juice and honey mix them and the drink it not too sweet not too sour
2007-05-13 10:31:03 UTC
I am a singer, and it happened to me to sing too much in the wrong way and having a terrible sore throat after that. But I understood that if you wanna avoid that you gotta use your diaphram very well, you have to avoid too high notes, and breathe well. If it continues you should take some honey, in a cup of hot milk or hot tea; and sometimes (it happened to me...) if it's really hurting...milk + honey + cognac (or brandy) is the best!!! Anyway consider even to go to the doctor to show him your throat, and when you will know if everything's all right you could find the right way to use your voice: a lot of singing teachers knows how to use different voices in the right way!
Sailor Moon and Music Lover
2007-05-11 14:35:14 UTC
If you are singing for a short period of time and your throat starts to hurt then you are probably doing something wrong. There should never be pressure on your vocal cords. There are several ways to avoid this. You should make sure to warm up your voice well, make sure to keep hydrated and don't over stretch your cords, especially if you are singing after being sick. If you already do this maybe ask someone who is experienced in voice, like a choir/voice teacher what to do to help.

If you have been singing for hours on end a sore throat is probably just overexertion. Then you should stop singing, get water and wait a day or two before singing again so you don't harm your voice
2007-05-11 13:41:35 UTC
Hey Honey,

I'm a professional singer, I sing between two and three hours a night, this is a lot for the voice to handle, so I have to watch what i eat, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep etc. I never use lozengers or throat sprays, i think they're a con. somedays I spend all day rehearsing or learning new material, then go out and do a further 3 hours work that evening. I do get tired sometimes, but my throat doesn't hurt.

I have to sing everyday to keep my voice fit and healthy, and allow me to sing this often, for a long length of time. The majority of my training is methods derived speech level singing, which makes singing as easy as talking. So if you feel actual pain, in your throat, then you will be pushing for notes, and creating tension in all the wrong places. To me singing is easy, the important thing is to stay relaxed, whenever you feel like it's hard work for you, stop, because you're doing it wrong.

feel free to email me if I can help anymore

2007-05-11 12:09:35 UTC
If you belt often and you're not used to belting multiple times per day your throat can really hurt. You may even develop calluses on your throat. However, if you're not used to singing much and at once you sing a lot you can hurt your voice. If you sing incorrectly you can also damage your voice.
2007-05-11 10:21:39 UTC
Ok, you're singing wrong. If the sound is coming from your throat- you're going to wear out your vocal chords. The sound needs to come from your diaphragm and just pass over your vocal chords on the way out. Trained singers are able to control their breath really well from the diaphragm but it takes a lot of practice. To practice breathing correctly it's a great idea to lay on the floor and put your hands over your gut - like right where your belly button is. When you breathe in, that's the only part of your body that should move. There are lots more things to learn but that is the beginning. Proper breathing is the foundation for singing without injuring yourself.
2007-05-11 08:49:53 UTC
yes, too much of a good thing is bad. too much singing will ache anyone's thoat.

be sure to:

warm up 1st

have a drink (non-achohol)


when it hurts, stop

what causes the sound of your singing is also what makes you hurt. voices are made when vocal chords shake and sometimes collide with oneanother. so .. that is what causes the pain.

the best thing to do is to be scilent as much as possible.
2007-05-11 08:45:54 UTC
I am not a real singer but I know that if you put too much pressure on your vocal chords to get out any notes this can make your throat hurt, but also does damage to your vocal chords. (a.k.a. Celine Dion).
2007-05-11 08:50:07 UTC
I've had my throat get tired after singing too much, but not actually sore. I know that many accomplished and professional singers use throat soothing products (like "Throat Coat" tea) so it seems possible.

It seems to me, however, that if your throat is actually sore, you probably are singing improperly - shouting more than singing.

Think of it like this, if you talk alot, you might get hoarse and feel your voice or throat is "tired." You won't automatically get a sore throat, though, unless you're screaming.

I'd suggest that you warm up your voice before singing a lot, and drink tea with honey.

Also, when you're trying for power or volume in your singing, don't push it out from your throat but from your lungs and diaphragm

Google: Singing+Method and you'll find TONs of resources you can buy to help you sing properly.

Happy singing!
2016-12-20 08:29:52 UTC
2016-10-17 05:15:40 UTC
Sore Throat From Singing
2007-05-11 14:22:39 UTC
I think everyone has hit the nail on the head- singing should be easy and natural. If you are working too hard at it, and only getting pains for your pains, then you are doing something wrong.

As a professional singer, I can get tired, but I never let it get to the point that I start singing improperly. Even after two or three hours of constant singing, I feel it more in my knees ( if I'm standing) than in my throat.

Your body is sending out pain signals ( which should never be ignored) for a reason. I hope you seek out a teacher, a real live person to help pinpoint your problem and help you sort it out.

Best wishes and keep on singing
2007-05-11 10:00:26 UTC
I don't know the reply to your answer still, I must tell you ... actually I have read some where that do not sing if your throat hurts because it can damage your vocal chords and your voice. I think you are stressing on your vocal chords, try singing easy not with a lot of force because you have to sing with your diagram not chords. I think you should practice breathing.

Have you started singing recently? Cos' I too experienced a bit in the beginning.

Hope this helps!
2007-05-11 14:52:01 UTC
Okay, if you're throat hurts you're singing wrong. I had a lot of experience with this when I was a big younger. If you're trying to push out the notes, or you're not breathing correctly from your diaphragm, or you're just trying to sing something you're not capable of [in which you can try a bit, but don't over do it] then you're vocal chords are going to hurt. NEVER force you're voice. If you are breathing from your diaphragm and you still try to hit the note and it hurts, you feel stress, or you're not hitting it/it sounds bad, you're forcing it.

Yesterday I sang more in one day then I have ever before, but my throat didn't hurt. I sand from 8am- to 3:30pm with a one hour break at 11-12. I went to the recording studio at 630pm at well to record two high-noted songs. By the time I was done, I was pooped. My throat didn't hurt at all, but I knew it was tired when I was talking and my voice went in a out sometimes.. or I was quieter and/or hoarser than normal.

You're voice can get tired, but if it hurts, unless you have a cold - then you're singing the wrong way. If you need help you can always take classes/lessons.

=) hope i helped.
2016-06-01 03:16:48 UTC
It's very possible to learn to sing well. You just need to know the right methods. Learn here

Singing teachers will cost money and can be expensive so they're not for everyone. Singing can be learned so it's not an "either you have it or you don't" kind of thing.

Whether you sound like crap or you're decent, I recommend this singing course. It's one of the best methods to learn to sing well in a short amount of time. It's all about using efficient techniques that work.
2007-05-11 13:37:53 UTC
Yes i know, Amy Lee (from Evanescence) gets sore a lot and i do too

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