(ignore my avatar) im an 8th grade guy and i have a question: how do i imporve my singing in 2 weeks?
2007-05-11 18:13:23 UTC
my friend and i share this profile so that's why she has a girl avatar.
anywayz, umm i got a question on how to sing
i have to strengthen my vocals and high notes in 16 days
and i don't really noe where to being
im in 8th grade if it helps
anything you can advise me to do i'd really appreciate it
i have a concert in on the 29th and if i can sing by then then i'll sing
if not then i wont
i have a natural born singing voice, i just need to train it
and i've done really god up to this point
but now i need to quicken it cuz i have only 2 weeks
thank you all very much for the help! =] god bless
Ten answers:
2007-05-11 18:16:02 UTC
Just practice everyday girl and i promise you is going to get better in 2 weeks good luck with you singing career girl and have a nice day.
2007-05-11 19:06:08 UTC
i am also a singer vocalist whatever.i sing songs that are at my top range untill i cant bring anouther note from my throat ,rest for a second and do it again for about30 to 45 min,or so but dont do this everyday and dont do it on the day of your vocal venture do it two days before you have to sing then the day before you have to sing stay prety much in your voice range and by all means use your diafram try your best not to only use your throat [ cinci boys choire 1968 sap1 first chaire
2007-05-11 18:19:42 UTC
Best advice:take some private singing lessons:they teach you breathing techniques and singing techniques.

Best way for the fastest results.

2007-05-11 18:17:49 UTC
well your voice is gonna start breaking soon if it hasnt yet thats whats gonna happend, it happen to me i use to sing bomb in 4th-8th grade but last year they broke and i cant sing well but u should just do some vocal practices with the AHHH UHHHH OHHHHH EHHHHH and what ever lol
2017-01-09 21:36:49 UTC
i'm in grade 8 too, and that i've got a solid guy pal. i'm kinda shy too. yet not around him. There incredibly isn't any thank you to recover from being shy. in case you're, you merely..are... yet with me, I have been given over being shy. I have been given up in front of people, to enable them to appreciate that i'm not shy. and consistent with probability why you get shy around your pals guy acquaintances is when you consider which you wish one in all them. that is okay, you merely ought to coach them which you at the instant are not shy. Make it seem such as you at the instant are not fascinated in them. wish that helped! :)
sean 0
2007-05-11 18:36:47 UTC
become a girl.


a)they have better voices

b)you wont have to explain why a 14 year old boy has a girl avatar

2007-05-11 18:16:25 UTC
practice makes perfect
2007-05-11 18:26:13 UTC
sing scales
2007-05-11 18:17:03 UTC
omg email me...and il tell you all about it. i do SOLOS all the time!
2007-05-11 20:14:46 UTC
just change your avatar...duh!!!

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