Places to sing?
2007-05-10 22:58:33 UTC
WEre do you practicing singing is tehre a way to keep the volume down in your own home? can you properly practice singer in a lower voice ?
Eleven answers:
2007-05-11 13:58:06 UTC
No don't try to hold back your voice, you'll just cause tension in the throat, and strain your voice!

If you are worried about it, just plug in your headphones and sing along to your walkman. you won't sound as loud to yourself then!

do not push to sing loudly.
2007-05-11 16:50:18 UTC
This is a tough problem. Personally, I hate practicing/learning new pieces when there are people in the house. I love to perform, and am not stage shy AT ALL, but practicing in front of people is annoying, I know. You don't need anyone's opinion yet. If you're in college with a music department there are practice rooms. There really isn't a place singers gather to practice. would be nice anyway you need to stop singing quietly NOW!!! you're going to hurt yourself. You can cause Vocal Nodes, and those are a big nasty problem. Try the bathroom and waiting until people aren't home. There's nothing I can really tell you because there's no real answer. I would help you more...hope this at least helped a little bit. :) ♥ Good Luck!
2007-05-11 05:04:51 UTC
I sing everywhere I can find. In the shower in the car when im bored durng lunch on a walk. If I am awake I am singing. If you sing to softly you can actually harm your voice. If you get the chance try singing in an autotorium or something. If not sing in your room as if you are in the middle of a performance. It is not the same setting but its really a mental thing if you think about it.
2007-05-10 23:03:21 UTC
Proper singing shouldn't be much louder than your talking voice.

I'm a heavy metal singer /screamer,

And I live in an apartment, and I've never had any complaints.

If you sing too quietly, you will develop bad habits that prevent you from singing at the proper volume.
2007-05-10 23:25:38 UTC
I eaither practice in the shower with the radio on high. Or I practice in my room with my door closed and my parents aren't home. I also practice in front of my sisters to see if they like what i practice on or not, Like if I need more work on it. You can also practice when you are falling asleep at night (helps make you fall asleep to). Iono there is alot of places you can sing in.
2016-11-27 07:10:50 UTC
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Sailor Moon and Music Lover
2007-05-11 14:40:31 UTC
You can try to just sing softly, piano, or you can wait for your house to be empty to practices. Singing is not really a quiet thing, but you can always shut the door to your room.
2007-05-11 08:47:09 UTC
volume shouldn't be a problem... if you push your voice too hard it will strain and not work anyway. when you humm you aren't killing anyone with decibles, are you? no. so, if you need to pratice, then hum.

also, don't be afraid you sing. singers are suppose to be confidant.

cars, walks, showers, in conversation, in a home made isolation booth, .. all good places.

if you are praticing pitch, i suggest you contact me ( i just produced a vocal training cd and would love to help anyone who would like it.
Leonardo D
2007-05-11 13:47:44 UTC
Karaoke is very common these days, a great way to practice singing, and also developing your stage confidence.
2007-05-11 02:47:05 UTC Last site that sells music for 0.15$ one track

There are all music of the world it 100%
2007-05-10 23:03:10 UTC
i sing any and everywhere i dont care how loud or anything its my voice and i can sing if i want to sing it i want to you would sing to if you had a voice like mine dun dun dun dun dun da

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