What is a good song for a beginner to sing?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is a good song for a beginner to sing?
Eight answers:
2007-03-17 14:00:04 UTC
Edelweiss from the Sound Of Music is a sweet song with a simple melody

10 minutes ago from Cinderella is cute(for a higher voice -soprano)

On my own from Les miserables is nice too(for a lower voice -alto)

hit me with a hot note from sophisticated ladies is jazzy(but u need to have a more sultry, sexy voice but it's not inappropriate don't worry)

<3good luck
2007-03-17 13:59:07 UTC
feelings.......nothing more than FEELINGS


Feces, nothing more than feces.

Sorry, been cleaning up after newborn puppies all day.
teacher girl
2007-03-17 16:59:54 UTC
I just judged an "american idol" type talent contest for our middle school. The pieces that stuck out that were winners were the simple songs. Like "colors of the wind" or "America" or "this land is your land". We wanted to hear voices, not theatrics. Pick something that you think makes you sound pretty and makes you feel confident.
2007-03-17 13:53:47 UTC
something fun that you know like the song i love you i do on the dream girls soundtrack Sung by jennefer hudson
2007-03-17 13:48:01 UTC
Try to sing with astonishing notes... what I mean is start with neutral notes, and then pop.... you go high, judges love that stuff.whatever you do, do not freak out, have a paper clip in your hand while singing(It takes stress away.. trust me)

recomended songs,

Celin Dion- Titanic

Evanesence- Don't Call me When you Sobber

or something more neutral

Destiny's Child- Scrubs(the notes are not too extravegant)
2007-03-17 13:41:45 UTC
Amazing grace is a good standby
Jo S
2007-03-17 13:41:30 UTC
The theme from the sound of music. Easy lyrics and melody to sing.
2007-03-17 16:23:28 UTC
Hey Sagallma! If you haven't sang much, Pick something in your mid. and most comfortable pitch range! Something you feel is the most consistently stable and strong sounding to your ear, if you feel your straining don't use it at your audition, BUT, practice at home to strengthen and expand your vocal range. Also, ALWAYS, choose songs that you feel deeply involved in when you sing them, this brings, and calls out to the listener, in a deeply emotional, and gut level way, and they are drawn into the place you are at emotionally and spiritually. Never try to over sing and strain the high or low range, in the song, that's not to say that certain style of songs won't push out in an emotionally broad and forceful expression of emotion, i.e. rock, hip-hop, alternative etc. But all High and low range notes need lots of practice time before your ready for public expression, the key is ,CONTROL! If you are hearing it and properly evaluating it yourself, you'll find others will hear it in the same light! How do you Properly Hear and learn what sounds good, bad, off, or Great? Buy a karaoke Machine with a double tape deck, so when you sing you can tape it and hear it the way others hear you, it can feel rough and discouraging at first, but be honest with yourself, and work to find the exact pitch and way you desire for the note to take on, in expressive emotion, and actual sound to the ear. Remembering, softness, whispering with a slight crying-out and soulful beckoning, or crack of emotion in a mic can be the very HOOK in a ballad type song that makes it a Great Powerful song! The same earthy cry out," IF Controlled," power yell, in a Rock or alternative style is the clincher in the song, "THE HOOK". Always look to find the HOOK, spot in the song that is the most effective for YOUR soul and spirit, if may differ greatly from the demo singers, HOOK, spot, because this is YOUR HEART, and not there's! Just because someone else's differs from yours, DOE's NOT make it unacceptable at ALL! Neil Young was famous for his unique style and personal expression of who he was, he was confident in his OWN BOOTS, so to speak, and didn't covet anything HE did not SEE and FEEL he himself was! So we learn the sounds we like personally by listening to others and sound in nature, then we make a decision to incorporate those sounds into our own uniquely personal signature sound and statement of expression. This exhibits, color, texture, design, clarity, vagueness, smoldering blue heat, or, a red or white hot fire ! This is all subject to the artistic DESIGN of the individual Artist themselves, and in essence, Paints a Self Portrait if WHO, WHAT, and HOW, they view themselves, and their ability and skill in projecting that image to others is where the self-fulfillment is to the Artist is found. Being in tune with one's soul and spirit, and creating that painting for others through and in the vocals, used as The Ultimate Instrument and Paint Brush is the place we desire and pursue, this is the Ultimate Objective and Goal. To bring the listener along with us into the land we are traveling within our own mind and soul, the Emerald Green shores of Ireland, or a summer night on the front porch sipping ice Tea, and fire-flys dancing under the trees veiled under Spanish moss, in the deep South, to the transcending Praise and Worship of a spirit who walks, talks , and lives through the issues of life with their Father God and has mastered the skillful use of their God given gifts to takes you with them as they enter The Holy of Holies, all the way to the skateboarding, IPOD, fastened, computer chip activated, bike wheeling,mountain climber, and everywhere in between and outside of there! The goal of the Artistic Vocalist is to bring you the listener along for the ride and on the journey! So,Sagallma, purchase accompinanyment cd's or cassette tapes, purchase a good low frequency mic iIF you have a powerful professional P.A. System, get a less exspesive mic if it's what you can afford, get a deul cassette tape Karaoke machine(again the higher end the better, but utilize what you can afford now, the other will come as you continue to stick with it and progress. Be honest as you listen to yourself on tape, pray before you begin practice and trust in The Lord to increase you in your diligence,"The hand of the diligent tends to plenty,"(This extends to the mouth, lungs, heart , and skill with technic of the singer, or musican)Proverbs 10:4, 12:24,12:27, 13:4,21:5, 22:29, 27:23, 1 Pet.1:10, 2Pet 3:14, Heb.11.6, 12:15, Jer.29:11-13, Lk.12:32, Book of John, and 1,2,3,Jhn, Rom.5:1-2) Oh,enjoy your Gift!! In Yeshua Ha Messiahs name, that is Jesus The Messiah, redeemer, savior and friend that sticks closer than a brother, He will love you with an everlasting love! Have a wonderful audition and journey in your gifting(don't get discouraged, everyone even the best get off and have bad singing days they just don't quit) remember every skill is an acquired skill! Diligent practice and persuit, but enjoy it along the road, thats the secret!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.