Is it possible for me to sing decently?
Kushan T
2007-05-10 20:46:27 UTC
I am not looking to be the next Frank Sinatra. But I like the thought of singing a small tune while strumming my guitar. I am 22 already. Is it too late to start now ? I am a pretty horrible singer right now, is it possible to become at least decent at it without taking lessons ?

If yes, then how do I start ?
Four answers:
2007-05-10 21:12:34 UTC
It's never too late to sing. Yeah it's possible, anything is possible if you work hard on it. Self-learning could be good if you already know your basics, but if you're just starting, it's best to get lessons, advises from professionals, and tips & stuff from the Internet about singing. Also, it's good that you have a guitar to play with, it helps you keep in tune and timing.
2007-05-10 21:59:23 UTC
If you arent born with it , you will be sooooo much better off with lessons.

But here you go anyway

Sing Julie Andrews' "Doe-A-Deer". From the musical the Sound of Music.

It is a song made up of the 8 notes of an octave but the first and last notes are the same note, only one octave apart.

Ill start it off.... play should know this one by now.

Do a deer , a female deer.....Ra , a drop of golden sun....Me, a name , i call myself....Fa , a long , long way to run...So , a needle pulling so on..

This you can sing in any key. You can start on any note...just go thru the ,ra, me , fa, so , la , ti , do...

This isnt going to be what you play for your friends but its a great warm-up and if you do the scale with your guitar and follow along with singing then you will know if you are off key.

hope this helps.
2007-05-10 21:27:01 UTC
It is possible. I think if you practice every day, and if you have a recorder, you may get better. If may have to take lessons. I took off my singing for about a year and it took me a month to break right back into it. I'm pretty sure if you practice and record to see your progress you can see if you're getting better. Try this for a week or two, if no improvement take lessons.
2007-05-11 10:24:46 UTC
It's never too late. The Doe-Re-Mi guy is right on. Also, you can buy warm up cds that have excercises on them do a search on amazon- and record yourself- it's the only way to know if you're making any progress.

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