Familiarize yourself with the "E" note. Then take note that the standard tuning of a guitar is E-A-D-G-B-E ( Eat A Darn Good Breakfast Everyday)
First string is ----------------E
Second string is -----------A
Third is ------------------------D
Fourth -------------------------G
Fifth---------------------------- B
Sixth ---------------------------E
Practice to sing or hum an E note from a keyboard/piano
then tune your first string as the E note
next is tune the last string or the 6th string the same note as the first string only higher
if that is finished, do this:
place on finger on the 1st string 5th fret
mimic the note on your 2nd string
place your finger on the 2nd string 5th fret
mimic the note on your 3rd string
place a finger on the 3rd string 5th fret
mimic that on the 4th string
and then
place one finger on the 4th string 4th fret
mimic the note on the 5th string
lastly, place a finger on the 5th string 5th fret
and fine tune the 6th string mimicking the note you hear when you do the last step.
also help me with this please? https://answersrip.com/question/index?qid=20120804140555AAOKzHT