2013-03-29 13:53:53 UTC
Ok. I auditioned in Sm Entertainment last December 2012 through email or online and after a month i received an email from SM Global audition for 2013 it was written in Hangul ( korean letters) and i cant understand a thing i only understand Sm ent.
So i did was i look for a korean friend or someone who can understand it, and it was said that they received my audition form and they want me to fly to korea.
Im a filipino.
im just curious about the email does it mean that they want me?
or it was just a reply to everyone who submits audition forms or clip?
Too bad i want able to go because of my studies.
i cant just go and tell my teachers that let me go to korea for a few days because i have a audition to go. heheh. Well, Thank You guys! I hope you can help me! Thanks thanks!