How can I overcome shyness when singing in front of a group of people?
Hayley ♪
2007-05-10 19:59:10 UTC
I am singing in a public place in a few months, but I'm really nervous and afraid I'll mess up. Any suggestions?
Twelve answers:
2007-05-10 20:05:26 UTC
Breathe and calm yourself down. Try to pick a spot on the back wall and focus on that. It also helps to know the song really well that way you don't have to worry about the music.
2007-05-10 21:24:38 UTC
Okay--confession first. I was a bundle and a wreck of tears the first time I had to sing in front of people. Eventually I learned to take a deep breath, sleep good, eat good, relax, and do things that make me feel good about me. Don't go overly obsessive practice maniac--this could damage a bit before the time comes to actually sing. I give myself a pep talk before. Something like this while standing in front a mirror.

"I can do this. I am amazing. Nobody will laugh at me. My voice is strong. I'm not nervous. Nothing will go wrong. Everything is fine. Imagine the world is gone. It's just me and my voice, singing."

I didn't mess up. At least...I was still recovering from aftershock of tears the first time. Anyways, I know you won't mess up if you pretend it's just you and BREATHE.

And possibly practice in front of friends. First a few, then a little more, and then a lot.
2007-05-10 20:11:33 UTC
If you want to overcome shyness, you should get some of your closest friends in the front to edge you on, be yourself, and take a couple deep breaths before a performance. Never imagine anyone in their underwear, and like someone else said, know your song. Although you know it, don't know it too well, it might mess up your performance. I remember once I TOTALLY screwed up. I was in a rush and I couldn't focus on what I had to sing. By the way, this was two sentences. I froze, so someone else had to sing it, and when I did remember a line, I cracked. The whole time. Yeah people laughed, but I never forgot to laugh with them. Give it a break, you'll have fun.
Kelsey O
2007-05-14 17:30:59 UTC
Honestly, I've been singing for almost 7 years and I still get a little bit nervous, especially around people I care about, because therefore i care about their opinions more. But honestly, the only way to really overcome it is to keeeeep practicing in front of people, because then it just becomes like anything else.
Sailor Moon and Music Lover
2007-05-11 14:47:43 UTC
Practice in front of people all the time. Sing constantly, get all your friends annoyed with you and feel confident with your voice and the song you are performing. Also realize that if you do mess up it is not the end of the world.
Regina A
2007-05-11 06:48:46 UTC
Okay, while all these are great steps to take prior to singing, as well as being out on stage, I still think the age old Brady Bunch tactic works best, picture everyone in their underwear, lol. I am dating myself, but this was a brady bunch episode, where bobby had to give a speech, and that is what he did. Hope this helps, lol.
2007-05-11 14:06:00 UTC
What helps me and what I tell people that ask, when I sing, I'm tellling them a story or something that I want them to know. You're not just singing a song, but you're imparting information to someone be it falling in love, losing a lover, your pink cadillac, what ever, convey that story or message to the hearer.

Now, the next thing, imagine someong that you're comfortable with is sitting there listening to you. That's who you're telling your story to.That's the only person you're singing to. All the other people are just listening in. You are singing to that one person ( or your cat or favorite hamster). But you are trying to tell that one person or thing that message.
Robert Emmett
2007-05-10 23:25:14 UTC
sometimes staring 'into' a crowd can be intimidating, try looking over the crowd, just above everyone's head, toward the back of the room, maybe focus on the 'exit' sign near the back door.

its better than looking at the stage or the floor, and it does help to at least hide the fright...
2007-05-10 21:33:37 UTC
Practice.....Practice.....know the , the song....also

you must allow yourself to just plain sing. If you hold back cuz you are nervous it will effect your voice.

You should drink room temp. water prior to going on will help keep your vocal chords flexible.

Pretend everyone out there is hoping you do great and that they are rooting for you...because the truth is...they are!

Mackenzie T
2007-05-10 20:09:05 UTC
Do it in front of siblings, then family, then close friends, then big group of friends.
2007-05-10 20:09:11 UTC
first breath deeply second press your middle finger and thumb together while on stage
2007-05-10 20:07:43 UTC
start with small groups and get bigger and bigger as ur confidence grows each and every time

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