Getting Farther?
2007-05-10 21:55:24 UTC
I love singing. I'm very good. My friends agree whole-heartedly. I always enjoyed it on the side of writing. Now I'm starting to want to go farther with my voice. Such as singing someplace outside of home/school. Just...anywhere. I want to take voice lessons. I'm going to, at least. Any help on how to get farther would be greatly appreciated.
Five answers:
2007-05-11 14:10:56 UTC
Hey chick,

Get yourself in for some singing lessons, once you know what to do, how to do it, and where you are going wrong, you will improve drastically. You have a pretty voice, but you have alot to learn. You will probably also get the chance to perform, through showcases for the singing teacher or school. the sooner you get lessons the sooner you will go from being good to being amazing!

Good Luck

Sailor Moon and Music Lover
2007-05-11 14:45:00 UTC
You have potential but voice lessons are a necessity. If you want to find them look at music stores in your area, most times they have lessons or have recommendations of people to take lessons from. You could always ask your music teacher for names of a couple private lesson teachers. I would wait before looking for places to sing in public until you get really good though.
2007-05-11 10:29:29 UTC
Voice lessons are so great! Do a search for voice teachers in your area. Don't be afraid to try more than one. I got stuck with a voice teacher that taught me everything she had to teach within about a year or 2 but I kept going to her for another 2 years. My mistake. oh well- I got a new teacher and she was amazing.
2007-05-11 07:16:50 UTC
Well after listening to the clip of you singing I would suggest that you not sing anywhere outside of home or school. Not trying to be harsh but honestly I do not think you would be able to get jobs outside of home or school. Sorry...
2007-05-10 22:08:38 UTC
Karaoke places....they are great cuz you can take your friends and they can heckle you from the audience and try to mess with you and throw popcorn at your face...oh..sorry..that was me having a flashback!

They stopped heckling when I won the $100 contest that night.

Anyway, Maybe you should start your own band.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.