2011-10-19 11:35:37 UTC
the part where were having difficulty is the collaboration of vocals at 2:18, were both finding comforatble pitch/octives (i dont know the difference) to sing in, and since its a tribute show is must be smack on. im not sure whether the higher sounding voice on the track is a higher pitch/octive, or he just has a higher voice which makes it sound like its much higher, because in my band im singing the higher part, and the vocalist singing the other role is already singing quite high (his voice is generally higher, but the way its worked out is us singing these roles, and he still finds it hard), and for me to go in an octive or whatever you call it higher without going into sounding like a girl i have to literally shout, and my voice is constantly kicking out, which sounds terrible, or can just sing it conformably in a higher voice.
im not really sure what to do, or how to do this and i really want this to sound good. ive been told my singing is good, but just feel afraid of singing too low since it sounds like speaking, but when i push it out too much i have to shout and can only do it for about half a song. i am a vocalist but havent taken any lessons or anything. any tips or education in this subject would be very much appreciated, thanks :)