are there any good tips for a solo performance?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
are there any good tips for a solo performance?
Six answers:
2007-05-14 15:32:23 UTC
fro me this always works i start out by closing my eyes and then in the middle of the song i open them and my nervousness is all gone
2007-05-11 05:39:06 UTC
Simple....Feel what you sing... if you cant relate to a song how can you expect your audience to?

love it and feel it!

Then do all the other suggestions you have gotten here...Breath, relax, have fun!
2007-05-11 05:13:56 UTC
Practice like hell...then catch a little buzz before you go on.


But really..practicing until you hate the song is the best way...if you are prepared, you will always do better...drink room temp. water...not cold water..your vocal chords will relax and stay flexible with tepid water.
2007-05-11 04:28:38 UTC
1. Stand up straight

2. Take a deep breath

3. Close your eyes and imagine nobody's there but you

4. Stare straight ahead

5. Smile

6. Sing your heart out like nobody cares and nobody is listening

If not............erm..........well, I'm thinking just breathe and practice in front of a few friends at first and then get a larger and larger group.
Marley Kyle
2007-05-11 01:39:00 UTC
When you are singing a solo performance, be sure to stand up straight and take a big, but silent breath in to get the most support. Sometimes it helps me to blare out a few notes to sing on tune.

It's also perfectly fine to be nervous, as long as it doesn't affect your breathing. Actually, being nervous sharpens your senses so you'll probably sing on-key more ; )

If you are nervous looking at people, close your eyes when you sing those first few notes until you feel really comfortable with your voice. After you jump into your song, you feel a lot more comfortable.

Good luck! You'll do great!!!!!!!!!!
2007-05-11 22:27:39 UTC
Oh, gosh.


I sing in a large choir that tours internationally. I've gotten several solos, and the longest (thirty measures) was a capella. They are so scary!!! I have this talent for not singing on pitch when I'm nervous, and this could've led me down some not-so-good roads. Here's what I've learned:

For singing on pitch:

** This takes a lot of determination, and you have to support your lower abs and breathe deeply. If you don't breathe deep enough, (think of the air as falling deep into your body, all the way down to your toes), then your pitch will be flat. But if you have too much air, your tone will go sharp.

** You also have to care about your pitch. I know this sounds like it doesn't work, but believe me, it does. If you think your pitch right before you begin to sing, your voice will come out in tune. Listen for the other parts or the accompaniment and you can find your pitch.

For not being nervous:

**There's really not an exact formula for this. Nervous is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make you feel extremely uncomfortable and jittery. I always get really freaked out right before a solo, and my mouth dries up. But once I start singing, that all fades away and I'm fine.

**If you really don't like feeling nervous, just think about how good you'll feel once things are all over, and how good a job you'll do. Concentrate on the ending of your solo, and don't worry too much. If you practice enough and you know your part, you'll do fine.

Also, facial expression is everything. Make sure to communicate to your audience the tone and meaning of the song; don't keep your face expressionless and your words meaningless. Really feel the lyrics, and don't be afraid to move your head or sway your body. The audience will love to see how involved you feel with the music, and, believe it or not, your facial expression will enhance your tone.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do amazing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.