Why only SaReGaMa, the results has been the same in all three contest held on Indian television.
The entire thing is a sham. It is only a money making machine that makes a fool out of the unsuspecting public.
SMS voting is a very lucrative method of making millions out of an ignorant public.
Who cares who wins? Finally it is the general public that is the biggest loser.
The participants have already amassed great fame. They have become known to the music industry. If they are talented, somebody or the other is going to give them work. The channel has already made millions out of the advertising sponsors of the programme. In house/ in programme plugging of forthcoming movies give the programme producers a few more millions in the kitty. The Judges are paid huge amounts by the producers. Believe me, the judges charge a few crores to sit on these programmes, and finally the opinions of these highly paid judges do not even count.
In my opinion, Amaanat Ali was, is and shall remain the best singer. Mauli Dave should have been there as the first runner up, and Raja Hassan should have been second runner up, with a special Prize going out to her, Poonam Yadav should have been the Star of the Future Awardee on this show, but what happened is, a mediocre singer has become the Winner.
And all this because of the greed of these Channels.
Tell me, how can the general public be a better Judge than the very learned and experienced Musicians who sit there as Judges? Remember Bhappi Lahiri's ire when Mauli was disqualified by public vote! What is the public's knowledge of music? Do even 10% of the voting public know one Sur from another, or can they even make wild guesses at saying where the participating singer goes wrong, or misses a note? NO! The public only knows that a participant comes from my area, he is a male singer, and he is Indian. So here goes, the most inappropriate person wins.
The same thing had happened on Indian Idols. Amit Paul was any day a better singer than Prashant Tamang. His control over the notes, his variation in notations, his supremacy in shifting from one note to the next, was unparalled. Prashant Tamang was a good singer, no doubt, but he wasn't versatile enough, and he did not have the vast range that Amit Paul possessed.
So, we are now left with Winners who have least deserved to win.
Only because of the greediness of the Channel Operators.
Top That!
And then decide : WHO ARE THE REAL WINNERS?