How do I sing brighter?
2007-05-11 02:05:05 UTC
My singer/music teacher say i have a great voice, but i need to be brighter because i sing to dark.

My sinning teacher said that in Italian, theres these words that stands for light and dark (this is to do with sinning). To achieve a good voice you must have equal balance, too dark sounds boring, too light sounds screechy.

She said that i still a little too dark, but i don't know how to be in between dark and light.

Can anyone teach me how?
Three answers:
2007-05-11 04:59:29 UTC
You sing darker because the way you pace your vowels in your mouth. You need to start singing by placing all of the vowels more forward. Try singing like you would actually speak. This will shift everything forward.
2007-05-12 00:36:17 UTC
1. try a happier song sure, when i sing "Lips Of An Angel" my voice is dark because it is a slow song and its hard to keep bright with such a slow song if you are bound to song dark if i sing a happier song like "girfriend" i am so much better.

2.relax. be cool. don't get tense that can cause a dark voice.

3. be yourself. i know after i said that i sound like educational telivision but really sing naturally don't try to sing differently like britney spears just sing the way you are meant to.

4. if you are doing all this and your voice is still dark it's all right nobody is best at everything and you teacher should know that
Yo C
2007-05-11 18:06:56 UTC
Angel is correct. You must bring the sound forward and upward into the hard palate and nose. You are using too much throat and not enough face. Practice bringing the sound into the "mask of the face". Eyebrows up and feel the sound in your cheekbones. Hope this helps

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