Does anyone know any good techniques to learn vibrato?
2007-05-11 14:08:51 UTC
Heya!I'm really having a hard time learning vibrato.I read it's supposed to be natural but I can't seem to figure it out.Can anyone who sings here give me a tip on how u should at least feel when singing with vibrato?I can do it with my headvoice but...that's it!:)
Eleven answers:
Ketsu Nfwu
2007-05-18 23:29:24 UTC
The mechanics of vocal vibrato are actually very simple - and this, ironically, makes it difficult to master.

Think of a (say) guitarist doing a vibrato-type thing on a guitar. He'd be moving his fret hand slightly up and down the string, varying the length of the vibrating string. Like the guitar, during vibrato, the tension of our vocal chords is varied rhythmically, creating a movement in pitch. Along with this tension change, there is also a change in thickness of the vocal chords, varying the volume.

The first killer of vibrato is tension. A guitar player will not be able to "move" a note if he has a tight grip on the fret. Neither can we sing vibrato if our vocal muscles are not free and independent of the rest of our body. Ease off on your air pressure and your vibrato will _naturally_ come. Don't push too hard from your stomach region or else your larynx will brace and tense up, losing your vibrato. The goal is to reduce the air pressure to the point where flexibility is found. At first, this will be a low volumes, but with practice, you'll be able to increase your volume without loading your neck area with pressure.
2007-05-11 14:41:58 UTC
People who do vibrato have either practiced very hard.. or it's natural. More are the latter case.

If you don't have a natural vibrato.. it's really not good to do it. It will most likely ruin your voice... though some people get away with it. I only do it RARELY when I hit a very high note that sounds like 'eeee' unless I put a bit of vibrato in there.

2007-05-11 14:19:45 UTC
Alot of teachers will say, that it just happens, when the chords and muscles are used correctly all of a sudden, it will pop out of no-where.

I was told this when I went for singing lessons, and all my college buddies were the same...we all larked about, pretending to be opera singers all the time, and I think it was more about consiously trying to do it and practising it, than it just suddenly appearing.

since then I have heard of many techniques to get your body and muscles used to the sensation, practise makes perfect they say,

one is to sing like an opera singer, if you can do it in your head voice then that's great, because you'll be commiting it to muscle memory, which should make it easier to bring it down into chest. try bleeting like a lamb, or doing impressions of woody wood pecker in chest voice.

As if practising trills, singing one note then the one next to it, starting slowly and speeding up, is another.

creating a false vibrato, by gently pushing and releasing quickly where the rib cage meets, can also get you used to the sensation. keep practising

psEveryone has some sort of natural vibrato, it's a case of controlling it and harnessing it, making it regular, and pretty, it has nothing to do with how old you are!

2007-05-11 14:32:44 UTC
Vibrato comes with the maturity of your voice. It's not really something you can learn. You can help your voice mature faster though by practicing good posture and breathing while singing, and practicing alot. Otherwise, it will come with time, just focus on your technique and before you know it you'll be sounding beautiful.
2016-04-22 14:50:35 UTC
It's very possible to learn to sing well. You just need to know the right methods. Learn here Singing teachers will cost money and can be expensive so they're not for everyone. Singing can be learned so it's not an "either you have it or you don't" kind of thing. Whether you sound like crap or you're decent, I recommend this singing course. It's one of the best methods to learn to sing well in a short amount of time. It's all about using efficient techniques that work.
Daniel P
2007-05-18 13:24:02 UTC
pure vibrato, in its unaltered form, comes from breath support.

vibrato can easily be faked, but it only sounds good when it is coupled by breathing.

breathe with your gut. i mean, when you breathe properly, your shoulders shouldn't rise and fall every time you breathe deeply. your stomach should expand. thats a muscle called the diaphragm stretching your lungs to allow more room for air.

when singing, open your throat as much as possible. headvoice vibrato is the farthest thing from it. it limits how much air you use.

when it is sung correctly, you can feel it in the back of your throat. headvoice is just you sliding up and down around the note.
2014-09-24 02:56:28 UTC
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2007-05-18 18:29:33 UTC
I have the same prob. BUT when my mom coached me she said it will only come naturally and you can't force it. Vibrato is when you have excess air so you obviously ( like me) don't breathe enough when you sing. Certain phrases in songs give you a chance to breathe so take every breathe you can. THAT BEING SAID: DO NOT SOUND BREATHY....that's not wat i mean. Just relax, that helps. GOOD LUCK !
2016-04-14 04:16:36 UTC
on every string, start off slowly with your first second third and fourth finger moving it in the technique (i can't describe it so i hope u know at least THAT!) in quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and then REALLY fast beats preactice EVEY DAY!

For the best answers, search on this site
2007-05-11 21:29:51 UTC
theres a book called Sing Like The Stars, i forget who its by at the moment, but its got a lot of stuff in it and even comes with a cd with examples and warmups and stuff in there. it can teach you all kinds of things

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.