"Where" should you sing from to sing properly?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
"Where" should you sing from to sing properly?
Fourteen answers:
2007-05-11 21:41:57 UTC
1. Don't smoke, unless you want that throaty growly voice that's unattractive on most women.

2. Sing from your diaphragm.
2007-05-11 17:23:05 UTC
Hi, I am Kelly, the girl from wanna be like Hilary duff and ashely tisdale. Well 1 st of all breathe in and 1st hum the tune.

If you thing it's good enough, mouth the words and start singing. If it isn't good enough, then try saying "la la la" to the tune. then start singing whether it's bad or good. PRACTICE TOO!
2017-02-15 01:06:16 UTC
2007-05-13 09:58:53 UTC
not the should be from the diaphragm. and singing doesn't only mean letting out a voice. it should also involve listening if your voice is in tune with the proper notes.
2007-05-11 19:18:03 UTC
Just try sitting down at first. Sitting forces you to sing from the diaphragm. Once you get the feel for that, try standing and you will notice a big difference.
Sailor Moon and Music Lover
2007-05-11 14:24:43 UTC
The breath support should come from your diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs. There are other things that help you sing correctly, like placement of your soft pallet. But there should never be any strain on your vocal cords or throat. If you want to learn to sing correctly I would recommend voice lessons because it is easier to sing if someone demonstrates first and has gone to school to learn this stuff.
2007-05-11 14:14:55 UTC
You should sing from your stomach. When singing properly, your diaphram should push air out of your lungs. To get maximum lung capacity, you should practice deep breathing. While you are breathing in, make sure that your stomach is expanding. If your shoulders move at all while you are breathing, then you are breathing incorrectly. Proper breather is a large part of singing, so good luck!
2007-05-11 14:03:26 UTC
You bring it up from your diaphragm, thats where you get the prescence and power from your voice.
Penny K
2007-05-11 14:02:39 UTC
your diaphram is where you should sing from.
2007-05-11 13:58:11 UTC

check this out...i fink it xplains it all.....

hope this helps =)
2007-05-11 20:50:48 UTC
It's partly psychological. You want to make sure not to "think" about singing from your throat, or you'll do so.

In terms of your singing voice sounding like your speaking voice, that's what you WANT! In fact, there's a whole program devoted to it, used by many Broadway stars!

It's called "Speech Level Singing" (SLS) and using it can definitely improve your voice and make it hurt less. The site is here:

It should be from the chest and stomach area instead! You're on the right path (-:

I know everyone has said to use your "diaphragm." What that means is this: if you can put your hands on your hips (right below your ribs) and feel a little push on your hands when you sing, you're using your diaphragm. If not, you're using your throat.

Hope that helps!
2007-05-11 14:29:56 UTC
In order to sing properly you have to have good breathe support. When taking a breath your shoulders shouldn't move at all, your stomach should expand outward. To help you keep support it helos to put a hand on your stomach and push on it with your muscles. The best supprt is found standing up but if your sitting try sitting on the edge of your seat with your feet evenly planted on the floor and hands on your thighs. This should provide optimum sound.
2007-05-11 14:02:57 UTC
Diaphragm. The place where hiccups come from.
2007-05-11 14:01:25 UTC
The diaphragm..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.