Altos singing Defying Gravity?
2007-05-10 17:18:59 UTC
Have any altos out there tried singing Defying Gravity? I love the song and the first half is doable, but I simply can't belt out that last bit. Any key suggestions?
Four answers:
2007-05-13 14:03:09 UTC
Simple- Don't try to belt it like Idina. Her voice is very nasal. You may to try it from your chest and belt properly-try belting on lower notes and letting your voice slide upward as you hold it and just experiment with it. You can probably sing it- just dont try to get that nasally sound because I find it nearly impossible:P
2007-05-14 21:25:31 UTC
It is very do-able. When I first began singing, I started as an alto, and I can get through that song with much aplomb.

A few suggestions to help you along:

1. It is key to warm-up properly. Think of your vocal chords and your diaphragm as if they were made of rubber - it is easier to stretch a rubber band or blow up a balloon once they have been stretched and warmed by your hands. Very similar concept.

2. Do not yell the last note. That will irritate your vocal chords and lead to vocal nodes.

3. Make certain that you have correct posture so that your diaphragm can expand properly.

4. Breathe deeply.

5. Make certain that you are lifting your upper pallette when you sing. This is often times referred to as an 'inward smile.' If you do not know how to do this, it is akin to the feeling you get when you yawn, or when you sneeze. Your resonant cavities will then be open, which allows for better projection and support of your sound. A lot of singers will actually yawn (or at least have a great urge to do so) after a note like that.

(This also encourages the deep breathing!)

I hope this helps!
2007-05-11 02:54:13 UTC
im an alto with some ability in the low sop. high ten. range and i do in fact sing that song non stop around my house when no one else is home...

on the high notes what i do is hit it hard for like a sixteenth note lol and then get off it and drop down into a small run or something as soon as humanly possible

its really hard to explain in words online... but basically, belt out the note for a split second then get off it, and find a way around sticking to the melody line

hope that made sense!
2007-05-13 20:02:01 UTC
just go a key lower i do it and it sounds fine maybe not able to perform in the broadway shoe with it but it will work if your doing it for fun

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